For many users, using keyboard shortcuts on different platforms allows them to work more efficiently.


And like any good productivity tools, Microsoft Teams has keyboard shortcuts that will help you take advantage of its functions more directly.


Thus, memorizing a few keyboard shortcuts, which will result in faster management of Microsoft Teams tasks, such as searching for information, starting a new conversation, entering each section of the application, sending or answering a message thread, and making an audio or video call.

All of the hotkeys below are for the Teams desktop app on Windows (in all versions) and for teams on MAC.


  1. General
  • Show hotkeys: Ctrl
  • Search: Ctrl + E
  • Go to: Ctrl + G
  • Start new chat: Ctrl + N
  • Open help: F1
  • Zoom in: Ctrl+
  • Zoom out: Ctrl –
  1. Navigation
  • Open activity: Ctrl + 1 
  • Open chat: Ctrl+ 2 
  • Open teams: Ctrl + 3 
  • Open calendar: Ctrl+ 4 
  • Open calls: Ctrl + 5 
  • Open files: Ctrl+ 6 
  • Move selected team up: Ctrl + Shift + Up 
  • Move selected team down: Ctrl + Shift + Down
  1. Messaging
  • Go to compose: Ctrl + Shift + X 
  • Send (in the expanded composition box): Ctrl + Enter 
  • Attach: Ctrl + O 
  • Insert Return: Shift + Enter 
  • Important brand: Ctrl + Shift + I 
  1. Meetings and calls
  • Accept video call: Ctrl + Shift + A 
  • Accept audio call: Ctrl + Shift + S 
  • Reject call: Ctrl + Shift + D 
  • Start audio call: Ctrl + Shift + C 
  • Start video call: Ctrl + Shift + U 
  • Mute: Ctrl+ Shift + M 
  • Toggle video: Ctrl + Shift + O 
  • Toggle full screen: Ctrl + Shift + F 
  • Go to the sharing toolbarCtrl + Shift + Space


  1. General
  • Show hotkeys: Cmd + 
  • Search: Cmd + E 
  • Go to: Cmd + G 
  • Open help: F1
  • Zoom in: Cmd+ 
  • Zoom out: Cmd – 
  • Return to default zoom: Cmd + 0
  1. Navigation
  • Open activity: Cmd + 1 
  • Open chat: Cmd+ 2 
  • Open teams: Cmd + 3 
  • Open calendar: Cmd+ 4 
  • Open calls: Cmd + 5 
  • Open files: Cmd+ 6 
  • Move selected team up: Cmd + Shift + Up 
  • Move selected team down: Cmd + Shift + Down 
  1. Messaging
  • Go to Compose: Cmd + Shift + X 
  • Send: Cmd + Enter 
  • Attach: Cmd + O 
  • Insert Return: Shift + Enter 
  1. Meetings andcalls
  • Accept video call: Cmd + Shift + A 
  • Accept audio call: Cmd + Shift + S 
  • Reject call: Cmd + Shift + D 
  • Start audio call: Cmd + Shift + C 
  • Start video call: Cmd + Shift + U 
  • Mute: Cmd+ Shift + M 
  • Toggle video: Cmd + Shift + O 
  • Toggle full screen: Cmd + Shift + F 
  • Go to the toolbar to share: Cmd + Shift + Space 

These are some of the most notable shortcuts that will help you work with greater efficiency and productivity on the MicrosoftTeams collaborative platform.