Have you heard of the benefits your company could receive if you became part of Convergia’s Channel Partner Program? Currently many companies are beginning to try new strategies (like this one) to generate more business and increase income.


With this in mind, we want to present to you the Channel Partner Program, it was designed to fit the current business market, with many benefits that we are sure you will not want to miss out on. In this article we will go through what is a channel partner program, and what it can offer you

What sets our Channel Partner program apart from the rest?

Working together will be an experience! We offer you generous commissions for your achievements and ensure that you are supported by our specialists in every project. Additionally, we provide continuous training and aid regarding management. 

And that is not all! With our Channel partner program, you gain access to: 


  • Competitive prices and flexible financing solutions 
  • Integral and personalized solutions to fit the needs of your client 
  • Promotional initiatives to generate demand 
  • No need to keep stock or buy inventory 
  • Remove financial risk associated with accounts receivable or accounts payable 
  • Support in the fulfillment of commercial objectives 
  • Management and direct relationship with C-Level 
  • Local Billing in your country 
  • personalized support 24/7/365 in the language of your choices 
  • Access to more than 700 worldwide connectivity providers 

Convergia’s partner program: “We’re not just channel friendly, we’re channel built.”

To better explain Convergia’s channel partner program we spoke with Jose Jouvin the director of commercial sales in North America, this is what he had to say about Convergia and the program: 


“When you partner with Convergia, you focus on growing your business and customer base with the unique ability to tap into the vast Pan-American market,” Jouvin said. “Our channel partners will have larger customers with operations and locations throughout Pan-America. With this growth opportunity, LATAM can have challenges for channel partners that want to sell, deliver, support, bill, collect and deal with taxes in the local jurisdictions, therefore Convergia is your partner, we solve these challenges.” 


Furthermore, regarding the Convergia team Jose Jouvin mentioned that “The team is just that, a team…we all work together to assure we are delivering product, solution and service market requirements to our channel partners.”  

Working together will be an experience! We offer you generous commissions for your achievements and ensure that you are supported by our specialists in every project. Additionally, we provide continuous training and aid regarding management. 

And that is not all! With our Channel partner program, you gain access to: 


  • Competitive prices and flexible financing solutions 
  • Integral and personalized solutions to fit the needs of your client 
  • Promotional initiatives to generate demand 
  • No need to keep stock or buy inventory 
  • Remove financial risk associated with accounts receivable or accounts payable 
  • Support in the fulfillment of commercial objectives 
  • Management and direct relationship with C-Level 
  • Local Billing in your country 
  • personalized support 24/7/365 in the language of your choices 
  • Access to more than 700 worldwide connectivity providers 

What is it like being a channel partner with Convergia?

“Since the beginning of our partnership with Convergia, we always had a personalized service with high quality products. They are very courteous and respond very quickly to our emails. We are proud to put forward the Convergia logo because they inspire us with confidence and respect.” 

Jean-Simon Leduc – CMO chief marketing officer NBG Telecom 


“We have been using Convergia’s service for well over two years now – end to end. We could not be happier with the quality and the service. As you can appreciate, phone calls, and emails are the backbone of our business, and we could not feel safer with entrusting our needs to your company. Thank you for the amazing service!”  

Micheal E. Vathilakis –  Co-Founding Partner Renno & vathilakis 

Learn more about your potential channel partner, Convergia

We are a value-added company for Connectivity products and solutions, founded in 1998 in Santiago Chile and Montreal, Canada. With more than 20 years of experience and a strong presence in the Pan-American region, we have developed important strategic alliances with numerous of the leading technology companies in the world. Thus, enabling us to take your company to the next level of Connectivity and Telecommunications. 


Contact us today to become part of our Channel Partner program to Improve your product portfolio, generate more proposals and business! 

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