Outbound and Inbound Load Balancing


A famous sports franchise was in search of a redundancy / load balancing solution both inbound and outbound

From the accidental cut it suffered and caused Internet access to be interrupted to and from the client’s systems, not allowing them to make their online reservations, purchase tickets, and others.

For this reason, the technology expert advisor saw a clear need for a business continuity plan that included redundant Internet connections from independent Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

Thus, a FatPipe SD-WAN (WARP model) network was installed together with Convergia. Achieving thus, a system of automatic and dynamic failure of outgoing and inbound traffic. Also, one of the highest priorities was the recovery of dynamic failure of DNS queries.

The Technology Expert Advisor comments:

“The Engineer in charge was very trained, and gave us the confidence that the system would work for us. The installation and implementation were completed in less than an hour, which turned out to be an advantage in the return from the investment”

Therefore, through this technology, the loss of business or income will be avoided due to possible failures of ISP or lines. Convergia and FatPipe ensure business continuity, contributing to the sports franchise provide superior customer service, while maintaining sales revenue.

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